West Virginia Lottery Releases Results Of Oct. 18 Lvl Bid Opening

Results of the Oct. 18 bid opening for those wishing to buy Limited Video Lottery permits are now available, according to West Virginia Lottery Director John Musgrave.

As required by legislative rules, the results are posted at the Lottery’s website, www.wvlottery.com 

Musgrave said the required match-option for current permit holders would run from Oct. 25 through Nov. 29. “Up to 2,500 permits will be available during that time for any of those who already have permits, at a cost of $20,000 for each LVL machine,” Musgrave said.

Permits remaining after the match-option will be available in subsequent bid rounds to be determined by the West Virginia Lottery Commission. According to Musgrave, the Lottery Commission will set the date at its November meeting; he anticipates it to be mid- to late February.

“We expect that number to be 1,500, with a minimum permit bid set at $6,000 per machine, but again, much of that depends on the outcome of the match-option and decisions made at the December commission meeting.”

In this month’s first round of bids, a limit of 5,000 permits was set by the Lottery Commission at a minimum bid of $5,000, each.