First Regional Public Meeting Scheduled Before Special Panel Looking Into Limited Video Lottery — W
January 22, 2009Under provisions of W.Va. Code §29-22B-1107(r), the State Lottery Commission is to provide for the rebidding of limited video lottery terminal permits for the ten-year term commencing July 1, 2011. The Governor has appointed a ten-member Select Panel to assemble information and data for the Governor. Based on public comments, the Governor may request that the Legislature amend Section 1107 and related sections prior to the next public bid.
The Select Panel for Limited Video Lottery Statutory Review will receive comments in a public meeting to be held:
Monday, February 9, 2009
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Charleston Marriott Hotel,
200 Lee Street, East, in
Charleston, West Virginia
Both oral and written comments will be accepted. Based on the number of persons wishing to comment at the public meeting, the chairman of the Select Panel may provide for a uniform time limit for each commenter so that all comments may be received by 4:00 p.m. The chairman, in the interest of time and fairness, may disallow comments that are repetitive in nature. Commenters with similar views are urged to select a representative to make their common viewpoint known to the panel.
The Panel plans to hold other meetings in different areas of West Virginia at future dates to be determined and advertised.