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Due to expected Daylight Savings Time change, the West Virginia Lottery will go under maintenance on March 9, 2025, between 01:00 AM – 05:00 AM EST. We apologize for the inconvenience



Extra Crossword Joker Game Image
Top Prize




Overall Odds

1 in 4.12

More Information

Total Tickets in Game


Game Number


Launch Date

February, 28 2023

Claim End Date

September, 29 2024

How To Play

1. Scratch and reveal YOUR 16 LETTERS and NUMBERS. 2. For each letter revealed in the YOUR 16 LETTERS area, scratch that same letter each time it appears in the PUZZLE. 3. Correctly match three (3) or more words in the PUZZLE, win prize shown in PRIZE LEGEND. 4. For each number revealed in the YOUR 16 NUMBERS area, scratch to match the numbers found in each "$ BLOCK" to win the prize shown. 5. Find an "EXTRA/JOKER" symbol in any "$ BLOCK", win the prize shown instantly!


PrizeTotal PrizesRemaining Prizes